Installation and Usage

Use NPM to include Schemafy in your project:

$ npm install --save schemafy

For Node or Browserify:

var Schemafy = require('schemafy');

For AMD or static browser:

Not supported yet.


Schemas are defined with Schemafy, which returns an object constructor function:

var userSchema = {
  type: "object",
  additionalProperties: false,
  properties: {
    username: {
      type: "string"
    isAdmin: {
      type: "boolean"
var User = Schemafy(userSchema);

Schemas are implemented using JSON Schema v4. It can define many complex structures and requirements. Schemafy has two signficiant restrictions when defining schemas:

  • The root schema type must be "object," otherwise Schemafy can't build an object.

  • Schemafy does not support JSON Schema's tupled defintions for arrays.

Schemafy(name, schema)

name (string) - New schema's name

schema (object) - JSON Schema schema

Returns a new schema constructor based on the schema.

Schemas have the following class properties:

Schema.extend(name, newSchema)

name (string) - New schema's name

newSchema (object) - JSON Schema schema

Returns a new schema constructor based on the original schema and the properties of the new schema. The new schema is merged into the original schema's definition; therefore, it can be partially defined; however, any array structures are replaced by the new defintion, not merged.


Returns the JSON Schema definition for the schema.


target (object) - POJO to validate

Returns an array of errors, if any, how the target fails validation with the schema.

Plain Old JavaScript Objects

Schemas are used to create new POJOs:

var user = new User(); // => {}

The objects belong to their schema:

user instanceof User // => true

The objects can be modified like any other object:

user.username = "Teddy";
user.isAdmin  = true;

New objects can be loaded from a source and validated:

var user = new User(badDataFromDb, { coerce: false });
// => { username: 123, isAdmin: "" }
// => [ 'instance.username is not of a type(s) string',
//      'instance.isAdmin is not of a type(s) boolean' ]

New POJOs can be created with all fields pre-initialized:

var user = new User({}, { createAll: true });
// => { username: "", isAdmin: false }

new Schema(source, options)

source (object) - Optional initialization source POJO

options (object) - Optional hash of options

options.coerce (boolean, default true) - Attempt to coerce any properties that do not match type into required type.

options.createAll (boolean) - All properties are created from defaults if not initialized from a source.

Returns a new instance of type Schema.

POJOs have the following class properties:


Returns the POJO's properties as a JSON string.


Returns an array of errors, if any, how the target fails validation with the schema.